Customer Success Stories of Women Entrepreneurs (Series of 10 Stories)

Women Entrepreneur Success Story - Story 5

Ms.Cauvery from Ettechtra

Ettechtra is a technology firm that specializes in communication strategies to produce measurable results for its clients.

Customer Success definition 

Customer Success for Ms.Cauvery and her team is providing solutions to keeping clients involved throughout the process and seeking an understanding of the client's expectations, both implicit and explicit.

The success story shared here is of a client providing a niche lifestyle product of promising quality.

Excerpts from her Story


It was business as usual for the client growing organically mainly through Facebook and/or direct involvement with its prospective leads. Even though the product was of high quality with proven benefits, the brand was not able to set a mark on digital platforms as far as growth in business lead/revenue was concerned.


The client was visible on social media channels with the intent of creating awareness about the product/brand and subsequently selling. The issue identified was digital channels lacking significant engagement with relevant customers and hence fewer returns in business growth and new customers.


Cauvery and her team worked to first understand the core issues on a multi-channel approach and lack of organic reach to customers.

  • They worked to understand who the target customers of the brand are and why the engagement is not up to the mark.

  • The team realized that the product or brand needs a face value to enhance engagement.

  • Involvement with customers is necessary and most importantly content to be pushed across
    channels needs to be regular and also relevant to the target audience. 

Cauvery and her team worked on a content strategy specifically to streamline and for an engaging
communication with diverse customer portfolio.


Focused customer engagement strategy enabled the client’s organic growth with awareness metrics
shooting up by 2000% through digital platforms including Facebook. Enhanced awareness and focus lead to more growth and profitability.

This helped Ettechtra team to also support this client with expansion and adding more lines of
products and diversifying the range.

Key Takeaway 

Customer Success through understanding target customers and their needs is vital for the brand
strategy of lifestyle products. Lifestyle products can work on to enhance awareness by focusing on “What” and “Who” the Customer wants to become and how the lifestyle product can support in achieving that. For instance, it is a good idea to create content to enhance awareness for convincing audiences on how a product like a shoe can make the customer a better runner to enhance the individual health goals.