Covid-19 business comeback

How Customer Journey Mapping stands out as a starting point for your Customer Experience Management Initiative

How Customer Journey Mapping stands out as a starting point  for your Customer Experience Management Initiative

Customer Journey Map(CJM) is a tool that is excessively used today across industries for all sectors because of its proven benefits in all these years. CJM is a visual representation of every experience a customer has with a brand/organization across touch-points. It’s a story of the experience derived from customer’s engagement culminating into a relationship with the organization.

While the technique is evolving and usage has increased over time, the practicality and objectivity of it is still debated. Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) when is offered as a solution, its return on investment and sustainable implementation is always a most critical pointer that needs a mention.

Four Point Plan to get back to Business Post COVID19

Four Point Plan to get back to Business Post COVID19

Pandemic has taken everything by storm worldwide. Not only millions have suffered from disease, death, poverty, loneliness but we are on a brink of recession, slow growth with muted demand, and customer sentiments. In the extended lock down with the slow recovery, we all are looking earnestly for everything to be just alright. Yes, it will take time for everything to be normal or maybe this is the new “Normal” of being digital, social distancing, and lock down.

As we are waiting, it is probably also the countdown amidst uncertainty to get back with a calculated and thoughtful response. Yes, things may or may not be the same again and unprecedented challenges that we are facing each day, every day now are making us question every priority. The pandemic is the pause that will cause changes in the way we work and collaborate. Yes, it will be a slow recovery of the economy with business models, customer demand everything having a reset. But there is always a silver lining after a doom, and history is the witness that every doom had been a change to start the NEW, be the dotcom, 2008 prime recession or the Great Depression of the 1920s. Lot was affected but a lot also learned to adapt with the situation and forge ahead.

No way and no expert anywhere can predict a perfect way to get back to work with a full throttle in life or business but one thing is for sure that there is no dearth of opportunities for people/business/organizations who adapt themselves and continue adding value in one or the other way. And the one thing which definitely is the constant or new "Normal" is remote working, social distancing with newer tools being developed to collaborate and work. The future is either we are working in technology or with technology. And there is no escape from it.

Through this blog, we present to you a four-point plan to get back to business post the lock down. The best practices in crisis have been curated for the action plan.